Priscilla Caranti - einige Bemerkungen zum möglichen Entstehungsszenario des fluchtäfelchensaus Gross-Gerau, dfx. 5.1.3,/1

Title in English Priscilla Caranti - some remarks on possible circumstances of the forth of the curse tablet from Gross-Gerau, dfx. 5.1.3,/1

URBANOVÁ Daniela FRÝDEK Miroslav

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Hungarian Polis Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords curse tablet from Gross-Gerau; dfx. 5.1.3/1; remarks on interpretation
Description In the paper, the possible circumstances of the forth of the curse tablet form Gross-Gerau are analyzed. The text is interpreted as a prayer for justice in amatory context. For the most problematic part of the text: sacra paterna, the new interpretation is proposed.
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