Podoby groteskna v dílech polských autorů : Szaniawski, Witkiewicz, Schulz, Gombrowicz

Title in English Grotesque Subtleties in Works of Polish Writers : Szaniawski, Witkiewicz, Schulz, Gombrowicz


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Proudy: středoevropský časopis pro vědu a literaturu
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://www.phil.muni.cz/journal/proudy/filologie/studie/2016/1/vondru_podoby_groteskna_v_dilech_polskych_autoru.php#articleBegin
Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Grotesque; Polish Literature; Szaniawski; Witkiewicz; Schulz; Gombrowicz
Description This paper brings an analysis of main grotesque attributes. The main part of the text is dedicated to the grotesque in different varieties of four Polish prose-writers and dramatists who worked in interwar period – Jerzy Szaniawski, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, Bruno Schulz, Witold Gombrowicz. The thesis analyses used literary methods and elements to achieve grotesque.
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