L’inventeur de Karel Čapek. Traduction créative et le fonctionnalisme

Title in English The Inventor of Karel Čapek. Creative translation and the functionalist paradigm


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Atelier de traduction
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web https://usv.ro/fisiere_utilizator/file/atelierdetraduction/arhive/2016/r-def-Atelier%2025.pdf
Field Linguistics
Keywords skopos theory; functional approachs; micro- and macro-unity of translation; neology; semantics et morphological motivation
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Description The article proposes a functionalist approach applied to the translation of a Karel Čapek’s story, The Inventor, from Czech into French. Based on the functionalist paradigm (skopos theory) formulated for translation studies by K. Reiss and H. Vermeer and inspired by functionalist concepts of micro- and macro- unit of translation (Ch. Nord), the study proposes a method of analysis and solutions for the translation into French of a text containing many words created by the famous Czech writer.
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