Achim Küpper und Siegfried Ulbrecht (Hg.): Theatralität in Literatur und Kultur. Germanoslavica Jg. 25, Nr. 2. Praha: Euroslavica, 2014. ISSN 1210-9029. 214 S

Title in English Achim Küpper und Siegfried Ulbrecht (Hg.): Theatrality in Literature und Culture. Germanoslavica Jg. 25, Nr. 2. Praha: Euroslavica, 2014. ISSN 1210-9029. 214 S


Year of publication 2016
Type Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This review deals with an issue of the academic journal Germanoslavica which is dedicated to the Theatrality in Literature and Culture. First, the main principles of the above-mentioned periodical are briefly introduced to the philological community in Sweden, then all the contributions listed in the issue and the concept of theatrality are reviewed.
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