Nový halštatský areál Suchohrdly „U Hájkova mlýna“ v mikroregionálním kontextu

Title in English The new Hallstatt Period site at Suchohrdly “U Hájkova mlýna” in micro-regional context

BÍŠKO Richard ČERVENÁ Kateřina MILO Peter PETŘÍK Jan

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia archaeologica Brunensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords settlement area; geophysical measurements; microprobes; metal detector survey; Hallstatt Period
Description The aim of the article is to introduce a new site “U Hájkova mlýna” (cadastral district of Suchohrdly), which was discovered in 2011 during verification of a predictive model of hilltop sites in Southwest Moravia. In order to specify the new site and set it into the context of settlement structure, a wide spectrum of non-destructive or little destructive methods were gradually applied to the locality (microprobes, magnetometric survey, metal detector survey). Considering the character of the material obtained, which for the most part corresponds to the Late Hallstatt Period, the site can be supposed to have been dominantly occupied in that period (but it is not a monocultural locality). Most attention in the paper is paid to the evaluation of results of the survey. One part, however, is also dealing with the problem of mutual relationship between the other Hallstatt Period sites in close neighbourhood (the sites of “Vinohrady”, “Sutny”, etc.).
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