La democracia precaria. El sistema del sorteo de la democracia ateniense antigua en Francisco Rodríguez Adrados y Antonio Tovar Llorente

Title in English Precarious Democracy. Sortition and Ancient Athenian Democracy in Francisco Rodríguez Adrados and Antonio Tovar Llorente


Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This work explores two groundbreaking studies of Ancient Democratic Athens in Franco’s Spain: Life of Socrates (1947, 19532, reed. 1966, 1984) and The Athenian Democracy (1975, 19661, then entitled Enlightenment and Politics in Classical Greece), written, respectively, by renowned scholars Antonio Tovar Llorente (1911-1985) and Francisco Rodríguez Adrados (born 1922). The author discusses, through a discussion focused on the treatment in those works of the most distinctive element of Ancient Athenian Democracy, the selection by lot (sortition), their internal contradictions, ideological misreadings, as well as the achievements. Firstly, the analysis is based on the opposition between ideology and science, as read by Ellen M. Wood in classical scholars and, secondly, on a framework of Sociology of the intellectuals.
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