A Minimalist Framework for Thought Experiment Analysis



Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Organon F
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://www.klemens.sav.sk/fiusav/organon/?q=sk/minimalist-framework-thought-experiment-analysis
Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords experimentalism; Galileo; minimalism; reconstruction; Rescher; Sorensen; thought experiments
Description Thought experiments are frequently vague and obscure hypothetical scenarios that are difficult to assess. The paper proposes a simple model of thought experiments. In the first part, I introduce two contemporary frameworks for thought experiment analysis: an experimentalist approach that relies on similarities between real and thought experiment, and a reasonist approach focusing on the answers provided by thought experimenting. Further, I articulate a minimalist approach in which thought experiment is considered strictly as doxastic mechanism based on imagination. I introduce the basic analytical tool that allows us to differentiate an experimental core from an attached argumentation. The last section is reserved for discussion. I address several possible questions concerning adequacy of minimalistic definition and analysis.
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