El video, para trabajar la competencia oral

Title in English Videos, so as to work on oral competences


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source TEXTOS de Didáctica de la lengua y la literatura
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Web http://textos.grao.com/revistes/textos/75-indagar-sobre-gramatica-en-las-aulas/el-video-para-trabajar-la-competencia-oral
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Catalan; didactics; oral language
Attached files
Description This article presents a real didactic experience that took place in the subject of Complementary Language Exercices, at Masaryk University (Czech Republic). It shows how the difficulties to find real contexts in which oral language can be used, the creation of short videos by the students can help the students when working on their spoken language.
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