Vliv metody kartografické vizualizace na zapamatování a přesnost prostorové lokalizace cílových objektů: empirická studie ověřující možnost užití smíšeného výzkumného designu

Title in English Influence of cartographic visualization on memorizing and accuracy of spatial lokalization of targets: empirical study evaluating limits of applying of mixed research design


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sociální procesy a osobnost 2015: Sborník příspěvků
web http://www.spao.eu/files/spo-proceedings15.pdf
Description The paper presents the interdisciplinary study of cognitive visualisation. The study compares two different methods of visualisation - a common military topographic map and a transport context map. This comparison was regards to cognitive and perceptual load on the user. A mixed research design was elected for the purpose of the study, this design offers a combination of different research methods. In the first phase the exploratory data analysis was used and in the second phase quantitative methods of data collection and analysis. For the second phase of the research Hypothesis web platform was used, the Hypothesis supports the implementation of both cartographic task and psychological tests. The platform were also be connected with eyetracking EyeTribe by software HypOgama. Synchronizing data files - information about eye movements (in the case of eyetracking system), and on the action and behavior (in the environment proband Hpothesis) – provides in-depth analysis of the strategies of solving problems users in the use of exploratory data analysis. Used mixed research design combines the advantages of both nomothetical and ideographical methods. In the context of research work with a map, we are able not only to statistically verify the realtionship between the defined variables (using visualization, degree of recall and cognitive style) and also deeply committed exploration of cognitive strategies.

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