Diskuse jako autoimunita demokracie

Title in English Discussion : The autoimunnity of democracy


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Motus in verbo : vedecký časopis mladej generácie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://www.motus.umb.sk/aktualne-cislo
Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords democracy; tyranny of the majority; human rights; discussion; mutual respect; mass mobilization
Description Democracy is a discussion, a thought formulated by the first Czechoslovak president TGM that is now taken as a common knowledge. In the EU there is currently one of the main topics for discussion a fear of negative impacts of muslim migration on the law and freedoms of the Europeans. The czech president Miloš Zeman has taken this topic as a crucial and struggles to use it to unify the local civic public. This president who himself takes negative attitude towards refugees must face a fact that not a small group of czech citizens does not consider them only as a threat. In this situation the president escalates an urgency of his own warning communications while at the same time discredit opinions of a minority and also people expressing them. It is by this practice that he increases a danger of a realization of the tyranny of the majority in the czech environment. As for the other patological phenomenon that can occur in real democracy, the best cure against the tyranny of the majority is an open discussion among citizens itself. It presumes and at the same time supports their mutual respect. Democracy has risen from the discussion based on the mutual respect of people and contains an autoimmunity system that protects it everywhere where it hasn´t forgotten its roots.
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