The Role of Quasi-Logical Arguments in Critical Dialogue: A Pragma-Dialectical Redefinition



Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Informal Logic
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Critical Dialogue; New Rhetoric; Pragma-Dialectics; Probability; Quasi-logical Arguments
Description The article focuses on the New Rhetoric’s concept of quasi-logical arguments imitating logical or mathematical demonstrations, and examines it from point of view of pragma-dialectics as a device contributing towards resolving the difference of opinion. It is shown that the category of quasi-logical arguments cannot be considered as an argument scheme or a united type of strategic maneuvering. It is suggested to consider the category of quasi-logical arguments as a cluster of specific strategic maneuvers increasing the efficiency of arguments under certain circumstances. This approach is demonstrated in a case study of pragma-dialectical analysis of the quasi-logical scheme of probability.
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