Tělesnost svobody v raném díle Simone de Beauvoir

Title in English Bodily Freedom in Early Writings of Simone de Beauvoir


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia philosophica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/SPh2017-1-3
Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Beauvoir; Freedom; Body; Other; She Came to Stay
Description What is being analyzed and subsequently interpreted in our study, is Simone de Beauvoir´s conception of freedom and its bodily determination. Because of that, we are using Beauvoir´s first novel, She Came to Stay (L´Invitée), where her first conceptualization of these fenomenons can be found. Although this novel is strongly based on dialogues between three main characters, we are convinced, that it is precisely their dialogue, what allows specificity of Beauvoir´s conceptions. Therefore, by interpreting some of these dialogues we are trying to make clear, where according to Beauvoir freedom begins and how it is being limited.
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