Didaktické pohádky s rostlinnou tematikou

Title in English Didactic fairy tales with vegetal theme


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Usta ad Albim BOHEMICA
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web https://www.pf.ujep.cz/kbo/usta-ad-albim-bohemica-archiv?layout=tree
Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords didactic fairy tale; Daniela Krolupperová; Dana Münsterová; Olga Černá
Description The article Didactic fairy tales with vegetal theme deals with three didactic fairy tales of the contemporary Czech auth ors for children and teenagers – Daniela Krolupperová Zákeřné keře (2010), Dana Münsterová Pohádky nejen mezi stromy (2015) and Olga Černá Z domu a zahrady (2011), which vary in the degree of didaxe and in the author’s attitude to the literary genre of fairy tale.
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