Role alkoholu a jiných návykových látek v kontextu domácího násilí

Title in English Role of alcohol and other addictives in the context of domestic violence


Year of publication 2017
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Domestic violence has been a neglected phenomenon by a so-called behind-the-door phenomenon for long time. In recent years, we have been experiencing ever more frequent debates on the reality of victims and domestic violence offenders, they are created organizations targeting the group of people with experiences with DN and literature, and innovations in the protection of victims in the area of law has been done. However, the context between the emergence of domestic violence and addiction to addictive substances is not devoted to our attention. In this paper we summarize the current domestic and foreign knowledge about the relationship between addiction to addictive substances and the emergence of domestic violence in situations of consumption of addictive substances by an aggressor or victim both from the point of view of the current legal regulation and from the point of view of the psychological.
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