Tvorba digitálních vzdělávací objektů pro online prostředí: didaktické a technické poznámky k tvorbě digitálních vzdělávacích objektů (převážně) v konektivistickém a konstruktivistickém paradigmatu

Title in English Creation of digital educational objects for the online environment: didactic and technical notes on the creation of digital educational objects (predominantly) in the connectivist and constructivist paradigm

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2017
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Digital objects that can be used in education are an interesting and key part of what most people will see under the notion of educational technology. They are both devices that can be used for education, but also tools or learning objects that can be used for them and which are directed towards a certain form of education. Therefore, we will focus on the individual digital artefacts, which can be used for the education of others. In particular, we will keep in mind the creators of e-learning courses of various kinds, ie those who receive (or create) an assignment to conceive of a logically comprehensive educational unit to be filled with various materials - from text documents to videos, infographics, 3D models or tests.

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