Bůh jako zdroj stvoření v japonských protikřesťanských textech 17. století : srovnání kritiky v Ha Daiusu Fabiana Fukana a anonymním sešitu Kirišitan monogatari
Title in English | God as the Source of Creation in Japanese Anti-Christian texts of the 17th Century : Comparison of Criticism in Ha Daiusu from Fabian Fucan and the Anonymous Chapbook Kirishitan Monogatari |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2016 |
Type | Article in Periodical |
Magazine / Source | Sacra |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | DVOŘÁČKOVÁ, Terezie. Bůh jako zdroj stvoření v japonských protikřesťanských textech 17. století : srovnání kritiky v Ha Daiusu Fabiana Fukana a anonymním sešitu Kirišitan monogatari (God as the Source of Creation in Japanese Anti-Christian texts of the 17th Century : Comparison of Criticism in Ha Daiusu from Fabian Fucan and the Anonymous Chapbook Kirishitan Monogatari). Sacra. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016, vol. 14, No 1, p. 41-52. ISSN 1214-5351. |
web | Digitální knihovna FF MU |
Field | Philosophy and religion |
Keywords | God-Creator; creation; Fabian Fucan; Ha Daiusu; Kirishitan Monogatari; Christianity; Japanese religious traditions; comparison; interreligious polemic |
Description | This work compares depictions of God in two Japanese anti-Christian texts published in 17th century. Anti-Christian literature was a negative reaction to spreading Christianity published after violent persecution of Christians. A concept of God and his creation was crucial for learning Christian doctrine in Japanese context, therefore anti-Christian literature focused on this concept, attempting to prove that Christianity was a false and evil doctrine. Although Ha Daiusu and Kirishitan Monogatari are quite similar in criticising, they were published in different phases of anti-Christian texts production and authors chose their own writing strategy. Comparison of Japanese critique of important Christian concepts reveals a typical negative response to foreign religious ideas in the ideological battle between European countries and Japan. |
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