An der Grenze der Lesbarkeit. Einige Bemerkungen zu Bernhard-Übersetzungen ins Tschechische

Title in English At the Boundary of Readability. Some Comments on Translations of Thomas Bernhard’s Novels into Czech


Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation TRNA, Jan. An der Grenze der Lesbarkeit. Einige Bemerkungen zu Bernhard-Übersetzungen ins Tschechische (At the Boundary of Readability. Some Comments on Translations of Thomas Bernhard’s Novels into Czech). In Ad translationem. Zu Ehren von Jiří Levý, Brno, 26. – 27. 10. 2017. 2017.
Description I would like to present the results of my master theses (Thomas Bernhard as a Challenge for Czech Translators) which should be shortly submitted at ÚGNN. The main point of my research is Bernhard’s characteristic language which works in German perfectly, although it is considered as very difficult. I analyse three translations: Wittgenstein’s Nephew translated by Miroslav Petříček, The Cheap-Eaters translated by Tomáš Dimter and Woodcutters translated by Marek Nekula. Firstly, I try to characterise specific features of Bernhard’s language with respect to the Czech language system. Secondly, I focus on the complexity of syntactical structure. Therefore, I formulate following questions: To what extent is it possible to translate Bernhard’s texts precisely in order to keep the syntax as it is? What advantages and disadvantages does it bring? Where is the limit which is still bearable for a Czech reader? How can a translator avoid the loss of readability? On the basis of these texts, I try to identify similar linguistic situations, to analyse approaches of each translator and to comment on their preferences by solving such translating issues.
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