Getting the best of all worlds in classroom materials for tertiary ESP, 14th IARTEM Conference Changing media – changing schools? Lisabon, 27.-29.9.2017


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Language Centre. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Getting the best of all worlds in classroom materials for tertiary ESP


Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Description In this presentation the author describes the background, principles and pitfalls of material design for English for Specific Purpose (ESP) courses. Foreign language teaching in the “post-method era” strives for an ambitious format that reflects current trends of autonomous learning, collaborative learning, scaffolding and CLIL, develops creativity and critical thinking while combining traditional and new media. Building on these approaches and incorporating their elements into ESP materials effectively and in a purposeful manner presents a daunting task to the authors. ESP at tertiary level is a domain where the identities of learners (both their language and academic identities) are a powerful instrument that has to be taken into account and developed to maximise learning. The aim of this presentation is to offer an insight into the background, starting points and process of material design in tertiary ESP which draws on research into identity in language learning and show examples of materials designed to meet the current requirements on teaching materials.

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