The Cartographical Visualization of Crowdsourcing Data in Precision AgricultureThe Cartographical Visualization of Crowdsourcing Data in Precision Agriculture


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Title in English The Cartographical Visualization of Crowdsourcing Data in Precision Agriculture


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of the 28th International Cartographic Conference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Description Crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining (geospatial) information from a large number of people, either paid or unpaid. Crowdsourcing is currently being used also in the precision agriculture domain, where one of the most widespread crowdsourcing devices is used, i.e. tractors equipped with navigation system receivers. The geospa-tial data obtained from fleet monitoring in such cases comprise a track of a tractor together with several pieces of attribute data. This paper focuses on attribute data of both an economic nature, e.g. fuel consumption and time of operation, and an ecological nature, e.g. the amount of fertilizer and/or pesticide inserted into the ground in a certain place. Interactive cartographic visualization techniques have been developed according to the needs of the end user with respect to economic data. A demonstration of progressive cartographic anima-tions is provided. In contrast, ecological data are typically visualized as interpolated surfaces. The presented approach of the FOODIE and DataBio tandem projects support all the above mentioned visualizations. As such, it exploits feedback from thousands of users that is presented in the conclusion.
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