Kniha Emanuela Škatuly o válce na Balkáně jako příklad hledání tvaru české reportáže

Title in English The book of Emanuel Škatula on the Balkan war as an example of searching for the Czech reportage style


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia Słowianoznawcze
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords reportage; the development of the genre of reportage in the Czech literature; Czech journalism in the pre-WWI years; Emanuel Škatula (1878–1966); Emanuel Škatula’s reportage The Balkan War (Válka na Balkáně 1913); First Balkan War (1912)
Description The book of reportage by Czech social democratic journalist and politician Emanuel Škatula, The Balkan War (Válka na Balkáně, 1913), represents an isolated, yet significant work in the history of the genre of reportage in Czech literature in terms of its attempt at immediate capturing of war events as well as its search for new, purely reportage-style means of expression.
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