Informační zvyky uživatelů informačního systému Masarykovy univerzity : průzkum mezi studenty informačních studií a knihovnictví

Title in English Information habits of users of Masaryk University information system : research among students of information studies and librarianship


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ProInflow
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Documentation, library studies, information management
Keywords information habits; information behavior; information system usage; LIS students
Attached files
Description The paper describes a research conducted on bachelor and masters students of Information and library studies at Masaryk University in Brno. The main aim of the research was to analyse information habits of users of information system of Masaryk University. We focused our research so that the results could serve to design training for new students, who will work with the information system of Masaryk University. We describe the users´ information habits, which are observable during users work with the system. We divided them into two segments – habits when logging in and out, so we focused on the issue of information security. And then on the features and applications of the system that have an impact on the effectiveness of study. If we describe these users´ habits, we can understand, which problem users have and point out to functions and options of the system that could prevent these problems. This report contains a theoretical introduction, it explains the context of the research and there are mentioned some similar researches. Next there are the methodological progresses approximated, results interpreted and in the conclusion there are the strengths and weaknesses discussed.
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