Diagnostická baterie kognitivních procesů (CAS2), recenze metody

Title in English Cognitive Assessment System (CAS2), Review of Czech Version

PÍRKO Martin

Year of publication 2018
Type Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In accordance with the conclusions of the foreign reviewers (Acheson, 2017; Champ Morera, 2017; McGill, 2015), we consider CAS2 to be an original method that is very easy to administer and has well created test materials. CAS2, compared to other available cognitive tests, offers an ipsative analysis, a statistic based approach to the identification of strengths and weaknesses of a test subject. In spite of minor deficiencies, we can recommend CAS2 with some caution for common use, mainly due to current Czech norms created on the basis of a relatively large standardization set. However, it is necessary to expect that norms are likely to be somewhat "harder" as a result of lower representation of parents of lower education in respondent group.

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