Četba a čtenářství pohledem učitelů a rodičů žáků 4. ročníků ZŠ


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Faculty of Education. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Reading and readership through eyes of teachers and parents of 4th grade pupils of elementary schools


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Edukácia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://www.upjs.sk/edukacia/2-2017/
Keywords reading; readership; reading literacy; teacher; student; parent
Description The paper contains the annotated results of the pilot research of reading and literacy skills, compiled on the basis of information obtained from the fourth grade elementary school teachers. The aim of the research that is realized among teachers and parents of children of the fourth grade of elementary school, is the analysis of information, how teachers encourage parents to develop reading and readership of the child, i.e. how they affect children's individual reading, and what relationship exists with the literacy skills of a child. The available research of reading (Trávníček, 2008, 2011, Prázová, 2014, Gabal, Václavíková Helšusová, 2003) and reading literacy (PIRLS 2001, 2011, PISA, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015) suggests that the key is in this direction the approach of the family. According to Trávníček (2008), one of the variables that distinguishes readers from nonreaders is the family – almost fifty percent stands out among the factors that led respondents to the reading. The second place is occupied by the teacher as a person with the power of influence on the student's reading. The methodological background of the research consists of interviews with teachers and parents of students of 4th grade of elementary school, which monitor what support teachers provide to parents of their pupils, and what is the ideal support concept that parents prefer. The problem that is being solved is observed from several areas: personal teachers and parents relationship to reading and readership, their manifested interest in childrens reading and family literacy background, and especially the teachers support provided to parents of their pupils. The pilot research confirmed the assumption that teachers of primary school lay great emphasis on reading, even though they do not focus on the monitoring research studies and statistics of literacy and reading. The conclusion of the paper summarizes the additional possibilities for research and exploitation of results.
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