Das Motiv des Traumas am Beispiel Paulus Hochgatterers Der Tag, an dem mein Großvater ein Held war

Title in English The motive of trauma exemplified by Paul Hochgatterer The day my grandfather was a hero


Year of publication 2018
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The aim of the lecture is to present the latest book by the Austrian author P. Hochgatterer Der Tag, an dem mein Großvater ein Held war. In the theoretical introduction, I will introduce a trauma motif - using Sigmund Freud's and Sigrid Weigl's theories, where I will explain the form of trauma in the literary text and how it looks from a psychological point of view. Next, I will focus on concrete examples from the book, metaphors and the language function of trauma.
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