Vztah k očekávanému dítěti a jeho souvislosti s vybranými intra- a interpersonálními charakteristikami žen v třetím trimestru těhotenství

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Mother-foetus relationship and its connection with chosen intra- and interpersonal characteristics of women in third trimester of pregnancy


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source E-psychologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web https://e-psycholog.eu/pdf/dansova_etal.pdf
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.29364/epsy.310
Keywords mother-foetus relationship; pregnancy; anxiety; depressivity; quality of partnership; attachment-related avoidance; attachment-related anxiety
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Description Our study deals with the mother-foetus relationship (MFR) and its connection to chosen mother‘s charac­teristics. The relationship of MFR and anxiety, depression, quality of partnership, attachment-related avoidance and attachment-related anxiety was investigated on a sample of 339 pregnant women (third trimester). The effect of parity, pregnancy planning, desire for a child and the women’s age were taken into account. Quality of the partnership was the strongest predictor of MFR. Women who considered their relationship with their partner to be functional had a stronger relationship to their unborn baby. Primiparae had a slightly stronger MFR than multiparae and a planned pregnancy is associated with a slightly stronger MFR. The present study uses the new scale of MFR for the first time. The scale overcomes some limits of the older scales and measures different aspects of MFR including emotional, cognitive and behavioural one.
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