The Logic of Jesuit Meditations: Antoine Sucquet’s Via vitae aeternae (1620)

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MALÝ Tomáš

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Comeniana
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Jesuits; meditations; ars moriendi; emblematics; 17th century; Sucquet
Description In the attempt at a taxonomy of Sucquet’s Via vitae aeternae, three aspects were under scrutiny in this study: Sucquet’s book in the context of ars moriendi literature; the structure of meditations with regard to the thematic layout of text and picture, and the relationship of this structure to Ignatius’s Exercitia spiritualia; the strategy of picture representation and the scope of meaning of the selected categories (time, sin, subject), again in the context of ars moriendi works. The question of the structure of the work was – as a reaction to Fessard’s La dialectique des Exercices spirituels (1956) – considered in confrontation with the meanings of the scenes and themes presented.
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