Intensifying strategies in curse texts - Accumulation of Prefixes



Year of publication 2018
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The intensifying strategy in curse texts by means of repetition seems to be influenced by the magical context or ritual nature of curses as well as religious prayers. The various ritual formulae generally tend to be repetitive and to use tricola of words with similar meanings to intensify a prayer addressed to gods and to ensure its efficacy. The repetition strategy of intensification in curses occurs in four variants - as: 1) the use of 2-4 verbs with similar meanings (prefixed or not): …occidite, exterminate, vulnerate Galicum; cadant, frangant, disiungantur…; pereat, intereat, extabescat; 2) the use of 2-3 verbs with the same prefixes (sometimes also with similar meanings): demando, devoveo; adpetas, abducas; diripiatis, dilaceratis; 3) the use of the same verbal base with various prefixes 2-3 (with similar meanings); absumatis, desumatis, consumatis; obligo, perobligo; defigite, perfigite; alligo, deligo; 4) the variation of prefixed and non-prefixed verbs (prevalently of the same verb) ligo, colligo; tere, contere, confringe et trade morti…; luctent, deluctent …vincant evincant.
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