Obrazová komunikace v bulvární sportovní publicistice

Title in English Visual communication of tabloid sports journalism


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Nová čeština doma a ve světě
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords stylistics; interpretation; persuasion; nonverbal meanings; visual communication; journalism; tabloid media
Description The paper presents partial research focusing on non-verbal meanings in the realm of sports journalism in Czech tabloids (including more than 220 sports articles from a period of one month) in the two most popular Czech tabloid newspapers: Blesk and Aha!. The paper deals with questions of how non-verbal meanings (namely pictures) influence the style of sports tabloid journalism and how they affect recipients. The paper shows their different uses and also high lights the different functions that these devices perform. The most important visual element is the large-format colour photo that should provide an authentic and credible image and help in the interpretation of the text. In the case of tabloid media, the photo may change the context of the whole article and its meaning, potentially mystifying or misinforming the reader.
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