Americká keynesiánská perspektiva : Od problematizace ekonomických dopadů ICT k možné podobě budoucího hospodářství

Title in English American keynesian perspective : From problematics of economic impact of ICT to possible form of future economy


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Interactive Media
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords accelerationism; Brynjolfsson Castells; capital; economy ICT; Keynes; Keynesianism; labour; Lanier Leontief; McAfee Pauling; technological unemployment
Description The eventuality of the negative economic impact has become one of the most prominent parts of the public debate on information technologies in the last few years. Many commentators have started to centralize it mainly around the phenomenon of substituting human labour with machines, which once considered in the framework of accelerationism has become the subject of art. The potential incompatibility of information technologies with the dominant socioeconomic system as a topic of discussion has nevertheless first appeared in the 20th century. The following article introduces the history of problematization of economic aspects of information technologies, focusing on a narrow range of US authors whose works concern the topic. This particular disconnected group of authors has through their works first outlined the ideas which form the main contours of current concern. New findings and related theories have been added to these ideas in present-day publications and can serve as an outline for the new media studies, or as a counterpart to the accelerationist tendencies which are popular with contemporary art.
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