Dialog podle Viléma Flussera : prostřednictvím Martina Bubera k novým technologiím

Title in English Dialogue according to Vilém Flusser : from Martin Buber to new technologies


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia philosophica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/138576
Keywords Vilém Flusser; Martin Buber; dialogue; discourse; the philosophy of dialogue; communication theory; I and Thou; I and It; projection; media; Jewishness
Description This article deals with Martin Buber´s philosophy of dialogue and with philosophical moments which essayist and theoretist of communication Vilém Flusser has undertaken from Buber´s concept of dialogue. The text presents diverse aspects of Fusser’s own conception of dialogue which Buber´s thoughts have projected in. There is an effort to show too how Fusser’s ap-proach differs from the Buber´s one. It deals particularly with Fusser’s deflection from the understanding of the authentic dialogue as a dialogue of two concrete persons to the concept of dialogue in the conditions of mass-communication through media and new technologies. There will be discussed the question too if and how Fusser’s communication theory relates to the Jewish philosophy in general.
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