The role of professional associations and international networks in career guidance practitioners training



Year of publication 2018
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Connecting with people and maintaining contacts has been an inseparable part of life of every professional and a part of their integration into the expert community and participating in the development of their field. Nowadays, this networking can take a number of forms and career guidance practitioners in Europe can choose to be members of various professional associations, an overwhelming majority of which operate at an international level. Apart from this, career guidance practitioners or organizations they are a part of may be connected to international expert-community social networks. One of the shared goals of associations of professionals and expert-community social networks is supporting career development in each of their members, this impacting not only training and education of their members but also participating on career guidance practitioners training at a more general level. There is neither any integral approach to career guidance practitioners training in the Czech Republic nor is there any system of training catering to the needs of the specific groups of career guidance practitioners available. Repeated analyses of training offers for career guidance practitioners in CZ make it clear that three different approaches, applied one next to the other, can be identified: a training-bases approach, a multi-professional approach, and a competence-based approach. The goal of the talk is to outline the roles of associations of professionals and international expert-community social networks for each of these approaches and raise the question of how the potential of the individual networks can be used in career guidance practitioners training not only in CZ but also in other countries of Europe.
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