Psaní scénářů je jako architektonické kreslení : Rozhovor s Jakubem Żulczykem

Title in English Script Writing is Like an Architectural Drawing : Interview with Jakub Żulczyk


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Iluminace : časopis pro teorii, historii a estetiku filmu
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords interview, Jakub Żulczyk; screenwriting; television; Poland
Description Jakub Żulczyk is a Polish writer with a rich and diverse professional past. For example, he wrote short stories and essays for magazines Elle or Playboy. For a short time, he worked as a host of a television programme about hip-hop. As a writer he debuted with the novel Do me some harm... all video games are all about love. His most successful book is the novel Blinded by the Lights about a drug dealer from Warszaw which was then adapted by HBO as a six-part miniseries. Among other things, we talk about in this interview about the differences between writing books and writing scripts for TV.
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