Loutkové hry Františka Langera aneb Od perníkové chaloupky po metaforu emigrace

Title in English František Langer's Puppet Plays : From a Gingerbread House to a Metaphor of Emigration


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slovo a obraz v komunikaci s dětmi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web https://dokumenty.osu.cz/pdf/kcd/slovoaobraz/slovoaobraz-8-1.pdf
Keywords puppet plays; puppetry; domestic puppetry; František Langer; children’s literature; fairytale
Description This study briefly introduces František Langer's puppet plays. First, six interwar plays designated for domestic puppet theaters are presented, followed by two postwar ones designed for professional puppet stages. The study also gives and idea of the common features of the plays on the levels of themes and motifs, and composition and language, which are consequently related to the context of the era. The aim of the study is to raise the awareness of the work of the significant twentieth-century author and to contribute to its contemporary reflection.
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