Otto Zweig a Rudolf Wiesner : sonda do života dvou moravských skladatelů na základě rukopisů uložených ve fondu Moravské zemské knihovny v Brně

Title in English Otto Zweig a Rudolf Wiesner : a probe into life of two Moravian composers based on the manuscripts stored in the fund of Moravian Library in Brno


Year of publication 2018
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The publication summarizes biographies of two Moravian composers, Otto Zweig (1874-1942) and Rudolf Wiesner (1876-1945). It is based on the manuscripts and old prints stored in the fund of Moravian Library in Brno. The part of the publication is also a catalogue of Zweig's work, as well as contemporary photographies, and wider social-historical context is taken into account.

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