Ovidiovská poetika ve vergiliovském stylu: Ozvěny Ovidiových Proměn v pozdněantických mytologických centonech z Vergilia


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Title in English Ovidian Poetics in the Virgilian Style: Echoes of Ovid´s Metamorphoses in Late Antique Mythological Centos from Virgil


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Auriga. Zprávy Jednoty klasických filologů
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Citation OKÁČOVÁ, Marie. Ovidiovská poetika ve vergiliovském stylu: Ozvěny Ovidiových Proměn v pozdněantických mytologických centonech z Vergilia (Ovidian Poetics in the Virgilian Style: Echoes of Ovid´s Metamorphoses in Late Antique Mythological Centos from Virgil). Auriga. Zprávy Jednoty klasických filologů. 2019, vol. 61, No 1, p. 11-26. ISSN 1211-3379.
web http://jkf.ff.cuni.cz/cs/auriga/o-casopise
Keywords cento; Virgil; Ovid; epyllion; cyclic narrative; intertextuality
Description This paper enquires into the multifaceted nature of Ovid’s reception in the Virgilian centos of late antiquity. The focus is on three mythological epyllia (i.e. Narcissus, Progne et Philomela, Europa: Anth. Lat. 9, 13, 14 R), inspired by Ovid in terms of content as well as narrative technique. It is shown that the cyclic composition of these texts was influenced by one of the most significant generative mechanisms of Ovid’s narrative in the Metamorphoses.

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