Mikulášské obchůzky na Hornolidečsku jako součást kulturního dědictví regionu

Title in English St. Nicholas door-to-door processions in Hornolidečsko region as a part of the region´s cultural heritage


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://www.muzeologia.sk/anot_1_19_en.htm
Keywords Saint Nicholas; devil; procession; tradition; Wallachia; advent time
Description St Nicholas door-to-door processions in the region of Hornolidečsko are part of the cultural heritage not only in the corresponding villages but even in the entire region. The part of this study is about historical progression and also about current form of this tradition. The study shows a research sample of this tradition´s bearers as well as motivating elements, which cause that the tradition is still alive, being passed down from generation to generation so widely. In addition to these facts, the work deals with the form of support from the villages, as well as with diverse opinions, taken by inhabitants in the researched region, which concern the inscription of the St Nicholas door-to-door procession on the List of Intangible Elements of Traditional Folk Culture of the Czech Republic. The goal of this study is to introduce the theme of the St Nicholas procession and its attributes, using the analysis of particular factors which influence its form even beyond the borders of the Czech Republic.
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