Od hory dvou národů k symbolu slovanství. Dopady rozvoje panslavismu na změny ve vnímání Radhoště během 19. století a jeho postavení v rámci česko-německého národnostního konfliktu

Title in English From the mountain of two nations to Slavic symbol. Development of Panslavism and its impact on changes in the perception of Radhošť mountain during the 19th century and its position in the Czech-German national conflict


Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Following the nation-wide national-emancipation process taking place in the Czech Lands during the 19th century and its growing resistance against Germanisation, the importance of Radhošť mountain as a symbolic protector of the Slavs grew significantly. Presented contribution analyzes this shift of meaning, which is illustrated on the example of the subsequent rivalry of two tourist associations - Moravian Pohorská jednota Radhošť and German Beskidenverein. It focuses on the causes and the main conflict situations between these two groups, as well as their outcome in the first half of the 20th century.
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