Mentální mapy jako příklad vnímání prostoru lokality Nové Hrady a Znojmo

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Title in English Mind-Maps as an example of the perception of space at Nové Hrady a Znojmo


Year of publication 2019
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Within the KULREG project, mental maps according to Kevin Lynch (2004) were used in Znojmo and Nové Hrady. This type of maps mainly analyzes the physical environment identified by respondents, although the explanation of the content of the maps is already at the level of interpretation. The individuality of respondents' ideas of space reflects their experience, interests, and status. It is, therefore, more about their internal construction of the given space, which reflects their individual preferences rather than cartographically accurate drawing of the elements on the map. However, despite this abstract visualization, certain repetitive patterns or reactions to different spaces, the importance of elements and places can be recognized. And precisely for this reason, taking into account the nature of the research, the concept of Lynch mental maps was chosen, which is structurally divided into paths, borders, areas, nodes and important elements.
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