Sepulkrální objekt jako nositel paměti ve venkovském prostředí

Title in English The Sepulchral Object as a Bearer of Memory in the Rural Environment


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Časopis matice moravské
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords early modern period; Křenek family; border guardians; funereal objects; social function
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Description The study follows the interweaving of family and professional representation in the rural environment of eastern Moravia through preserved sepulchral monuments connected with the extended Křenek family at the Rožnov pod Radhoštěm domain. The representative form of tombstones in Valašská Bystřice is often directly connected with the participation of members of the local Křenek family in command of the corps of border guardians. A comparison of the typologically similar tombstones of the Křenek family of Solanec and their accepted functions in the family representation system reveals similarities and differences in investor strategies determined by the appearance and purpose of these sepulchral objects. In conclusion, the transformation of a funeral monument into a more general monument commemorating the activities of the border guardians is pointed out.
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