Jak Evropa ke křesťanství přišla : Nový pohled na okolnosti christianizace Římské říše

Title in English The Rise of Christianity : A New Perspective on the Christianization of the Roman Empire


Year of publication 2019
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The lecture tries to revive, in a new and provocative way, the long-term debate about one of the greatest mysteries of world history: how did the Christianity, originally a small and occasionally persecuted religious tradition, become the dominant religion of the Roman Empire and later of Christian Europe over three centuries? While previous reli-gious or historical work primarily concentrated on the nature of Christian doctrine or its social role in the Roman world, this lecture attempts to enrich existing research by taking into account macro-historical factors. Is it possible that climatic change or pandemics could have contributed to the final victory of Christianity? And if so, how and why?

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