Osobnost formovaná a formující v souvislostech úspěšného vývoje : Jak ovlivňuje společnost charakteristiky osobnosti?

Title in English Personality shaped and forming in the context of successful development : How society influences personality characteristics?

MILLOVÁ Katarína

Year of publication 2019
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Personality and its characteristics play a very important role in human life. The paper will deal with the role of personalities in successful (or positive, optimal) functioning throughout life. There is no consensus among psychologists about what is successful (or positive or optimal) functioning. For some, this means purely personal well-being, for others it is more about adapting to external requirements, others foresee that both components must be represented for the good functioning of each of us. Whatever the case, successful functioning affects our entire lives and is influenced by many areas, the most important being personal characteristics. On the one hand, personality characteristics such as temperament, intelligence or personality traits can significantly influence the successful or unsuccessful functioning of a person in a given society; on the other hand, many personality characteristics are influenced by the norms, values and expectations of the society in which one lives. The paper will be supplemented with examples from the international and own research.

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