PolFon – interaktywny portal edukacyjny poświęcony polskiej fonetyce

Title in English PolFon – An interactive educational portal dedicated to Polish phonetics


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference VI Światowy Kongres Polonistów. Polonistyka na początku XXI wieku. Diagnozy. Koncepcje. Perspektywy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Odkaz na celý sborník
Keywords phonetics; phonemic awareness; glottodidactics
Description PolFon is an interactive educational portal on Polish phonetics created by the philological section of the Department of Slavonic Studies at the Palacký University in Olomouc. It is designed for foreigners willing to learn Polish pronunciation, but it also be interesting to Polish language and literature students, Polish language teachers and professional linguists. Apart from educational materials, including audio recordings and articulation diagrams, it contains exercises designed to develop phonemic awareness and phonetic transcription skills with respect to particular Polish sounds. It can be used as a didactic aid at Polish language classes or as an interactive database for contrastive phonetic research.
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