Aksiologičeskaja oś pograničnych žanrov

Title in English Axiological Axis of Boundary Genres


Year of publication 2019
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Description The author of the present article analyzes the axiological/value axis of boundary genres identifying it as science fiction and memoirs and quasi-memoirs. He manifests the stylization of the artistic character as a literature of fact in the framework of his conception of virtual authenticity, the fictitiousness of technological precognition operating with his attempt at the typology of contemporary memoirs and quasi-memoirs which exactly reflect the problems of contemporary world order also including the changes of language etiquette, the so-called political correctness, blurriness, soft value focus, ethical uncertainty, euphemism, and evasiveness which is closely connected with the unwillingness clearly delimitate – though very subjectively – the truth and the lie attempting at their total relativization.

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