Migrationsgesellschaftliche Erinnerungsorte auf heimatkritischer Grundlage : Konturen eines Didaktisierungskonzeptes für die Erwachsenenbildung DaF/DaZ

Title in English Spaces of memory in migration society in the content of the concept of home criticism : Shapes of a didactical concept for German as a foreign and second language in adult education

KÖCK Johannes Benjamin

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/142273
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/BBGN2019-S-6
Keywords Cultural Studies; Migration Pedagogy; Migration Society; Spaces of Memory; German as a Foreign and Second language; Grounded Theory; City Walk; Home Critisicm; Migration Sensitivity
Description This paper aims to outline a dissertation project, which was presented at the conference Aktuelle landeskundliche Ansätze in DaF/DaZ (Actual cultural study didactical concepts in the content of German as a foreign and second language). Furthermore, I want to start to conceptualize two terms, that are centric to this perspective – migrationssensibel (migrational sensitive) and heimatkritisch (home critic). The paper starts with a short historical overview and a debate on the role of the concepts of Landeskunde and Erinnerungsorte (Spaces of memory). It also presents the methodological design that will be used for this dissertation project (Grounded Theory, and City Walks). Finally, I will describe the expected outcome of this dissertation project.
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