Prezentácia hradných zrúcanín formou náučných chodníkov so zameraním na Banskobystrický kraj

Title in English Presentation of castle ruins via educational trails within the Banská Bystrica Region


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical (without peer review)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The presented topic has its roots in a bachelor‘s thesis, whose goal was to describe the current state and presentation of educational trails leading to the castles and castle ruins of the Banská Bystrica Region. The text should also explain the basic theoretical frame behind the creation of educational trails. The main source of information about the current condition of these particular educational trails was a questionnaire addressed to local municipal offices and voluntary associations, which are dedicated to saving and restoring various castle ruins. This article focuses on the typology of educational trails, brief history and present state of educational trails in Slovakia and it also describes the rules of their creation. In the end I point out the importance of the on-site presentation in the sphere of environmental education and tourism.
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