Additional records of the rare flat bug Mezira tremulae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae) from Slovakia


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CUNEV Jozef HEMALA Vladimír FRANC Valerián BALÁZS Attila

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Naturae Tutela
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords saproxylic insect; true bugs; aspen flat bug; Slovakia
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Description In the contribution, the authors presented additional records of flat bug Mezirae tremulae from the Central and Western Slovakia. M. tremulae is a rare species from the family Aradidae and it is proposed to include into red list of threatened species of Slovakia at the present time in the category "endangered". The species lives on old stumps and trunks of broadleaved trees (aspen, poplar, beech, ash, lime, walnut, birch, maple, oak), very rarely also on conifers (fir, pine). The presented records actualise the last published distribution of the species in Slovakia by the records from Tekovská Breznica in 2007, Osná dolina Valley near Obyce village in Pohronský Inovec Mts. in 2008, Dvorčiansky les in Nitra–Dolné Krškany in 2014 and Tachty in Cerová vrchovina Upland in 2019. While the first mentioned one represents the oldest known records of the species from the Central Slovakia (but unpublished), the remaining two represents the confirmation of the species in the Western Slovakia after 50 years.
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