Praetorská reforma předvolání k soudu


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Title in English Praetor's reform of the summons


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Ius Honorarium - římské magistratury a jejich činnost: sborník z konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access sborníku
Keywords summons to court; in ius vocation; vadimonium; praetorian stipulations; stipulationes praetoriae; praetorská reform; vindex; vas
Description The article deals with the development of the summons in the Roman Republic. In particular, it focuses on the steps that the praetors have reformed the outdated regu-lation contained in Twelve Tables to ensure the participation of the parties in the first stage of the procedure called in iure. Taking advantage of its ultimate authority, the imperium strengthened the plaintiff's position by admitting to the reluctant de-fendant an action based on facts (actio in factum) in the event that he did not appear before the court. Similarly, the praetor proceeded to ensure the defendant's re-participation in the adjourned hearing.
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