Europeanization as the Reterritorialization of the State : Towards Conceptual Clarification


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HAVLÍK Vratislav

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Common Market Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords Europeanization of territoriality; reterritorialization of the state; new regionalism
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Description In connection with the so-called territorial dimension of the cohesion policy promoted by theEuropean Commission, a gradual Europeanization of territorial organization can be observed inEU member states. Two main approaches can be identified in literature describing this phenome-non: scholars in European studies discuss the issue in terms of the notions of governance, whileplanners tend to focus on the priorities of regional development. What is missing is a unifiedconceptual understanding that includes the diverse aspects of these processes. This article offersan innovative view of the Europeanization of territoriality. Its key argument is that there are twoways of studying the Europeanization of territoriality: (1) as changes in the spatial organizationof member states and the establishment of new regions (a static component of the polity); and(2) as changes in relations between actors of governance in consequence of the new territorialarrangement (a dynamic component of politics).
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