Key Aspects of Moral Character in the Situationist Challenge



Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Aithér
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords moral character; Aristotle; Situationist Challenge; situationists; practical wisdom; ethics; Mischaracterization; moral reasoning; Milgram
Description Situationist Challenge in moral philosophy refers to the contemporary criticism of Aristotle’s concept of moral character. It is based on a different area than the previous criticism, and thus presents a new challenge to the classical theory. Whether or not this critique is successful in challenging the empirical and normative adequacy of the Aristotelian concept, it is linked with an extensive discussion. I considered it important to explore what we can learn about the classical theory in the mirror of contemporary moral psychology. In this paper, I will introduce some of the aspects which constitute the Aristotelian concept of moral character, but have not been taken into account in the situationist criticism: the moral reasoning, the cultivation based on experience and the aspiration to self-improvement. These aspects are of course based on the general features of moral character (they are implied by them), and the argumentation which fails to appreciate them, fails in proper understanding of its object of criticism.
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