Jak na synchronní distanční video výuku

Title in English How to synchronize distance learning through video

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Metodický portál RVP.cz
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web https://clanky.rvp.cz/clanek/c/G/22450/JAK-NA-SYNCHRONNI-DISTANCNI-VIDEO-VYUKU.html/
Keywords video; webinars; stream; zoom; meet; Teams
Description The situation surrounding school closure due to coronavirus infection has also opened the topic of online education in primary and secondary schools, namely how education can be provided in a distance form. This is not only an exceptional or extreme case, but online video learning may come in handy in many other situations - when the teacher is ill, or on the move, with pupils with an individual curriculum, etc. Or it is possible to use this form to work with consultations for pupils, consultations for parents, etc.
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